30 March 2013


BOWIEA GARIEPENSIS or as some taxonomists might tell BOWIEA VOLUBILIS SSP. GARIEPENSIS could be a subspecies of the better known BOWIEA VOLUBILIS or could really be a synonym.

Some botanists say that both subspecies do differ in some anatomical and morphological characteristics - the leaf and the flower - and other deny that at all.

I have seen both plants in botanical gardens but never this subspecies in a private collection. I cannot tell if there is any difference at all.

You might find BOWIEA VOLUBILIS SSP. GARIEPENSIS from southern Namibia to south western South Africa.
It has been discovered near the ORANJE RIVER, the BUR name, english ORANGE RIVER, GARIEP as it is named by the NAMAS, or HOTTENTOTS as they were named by the BURS. This explains the name GARIEPENSIS, from the GARIEP.

Its diameter can be up to 20 cm. The height of its shoots may be as long or high as 3 m. The bulb or bulbs are buried down in the earth. You might only see the growing shoots but vastly the bulb itself.

Growing season will be in May, June and July.

The temperature will be more than 7°C.


  1. I am looking to purchase Bowiea gariepensis, whole plant, seed or fresh piece of vine, a leaf scale or 1-2 inch root cutting. I will pay top dollar.I will also tissue culture any plant you have at no charge and or hybridize plants that cannot produce viable offspring by pollination.
    I live in Calabasas,ca. My phone is (747) 287-4124 Barry

  2. My email is idrbmast@gmail.com

  3. I am looking to purchase Bowiea gariepensis, whole plant, seed or fresh piece of vine, a leaf scale or 1-2 inch root cutting. I will pay top dollar.I will also tissue culture any plant you have at no charge and or hybridize plants that cannot produce viable offspring by pollination by use of naked protoplast fusion. If interested you would be welcome to observe the procedures and methods used.
    I live in Calabasas,ca. My phone is (747) 287-4124 Barry Mast. email idrbmast@gmail.com

  4. I will pay top dollar for a Bowiea gariepensis plant, seed or non damaging cutting such as a piece of fresh vine, flower, root.
    Thank you
    Barry Mast
