27 August 2014



Reading through the forums in the WWW you will allways find the good advice "do cultivate PSEUDOLITHOS in a half-shaded...".

Well, I do not. I allways offer my plants "the whole of the sun" and let them stay at the sunniest location I can offer.
Only the young seedlings are cultivated at a half shaded location, as this is true too in nature.

Here you can see the changing in colour when the plants are exposed to full sunshine all day long. The green body becomes brown and mimics the GNEIS and GRANIT of its substrate.


19 August 2014


This is the red-thorned form of FEROCACTUS CHRYSACANTHUS. The "thornation" is not as dense as within my yellow coulored FEROCACTUS CHRYSACANTHUS - "spination" would be not the correct scientific term as cacti wear thorns not spines. This may be a natural variation or be dependent of poor light conditions of the former cultivator.

4 YEAR OLD august 2014

This plant is a 4 year old seedling. The substrate is my typical mixture plus some extra limestone. It is covered with an extra layer of limestone.

FLOWER august 2014


FLOWER august 2014

My AZTEKIUM RITTERI started flowering this weekend in mid August. The scent of its flowers is very similar to Yasmin or Jasmin. You only have to place your nose very very near these fragrant flowers to scent it.

The substrate for this specimen is the same as for my other cacti plus limestone. As you can see I covered the surface with limestone.

The culture is the same as for my other cacti. AZTEKIUM only gets some less water as my "normal" cacti.


At the beginning of August this plant begins to grow.